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Current Volume/Issue

Volume 9 - 2025

Issue 1, February 2025 - Cover/Content Download

I. Petrauskaite: Applying Archetypes - Strengthening the Brand Full text      

     In today's context, the growing business interest in investing in the effective creation of characters to tell brand stories to consumers may justify the benefits of applying archetypes. If consumers can recognize themselves in brand characters they can become loyal customers. For a business to be able to tell brand stories well, it first needs to discover the main character and understand his or her further role. In academic literature, brand archetypes have been analyzed through the benefits they provide in terms of connecting with the customer and in terms of reinforcing and building the brand image. However, there is no clear definition of the application...

V. Jovic: Financial Crises as a Basis for Observing the Economic Framework for Operating the Economy of Transition Countries Like the Republic of Serbia Full text      

     Although financial crises have common elements, they appear in many forms and affect the economies of many countries very strongly. Such influences have a strong influence, especially on transitional countries such as the Republic of Serbia. While fundamental factors such as macroeconomic imbalances, internal or external shocks are often observed, many questions remain about the exact causes of crises. Financial crises sometimes appear to be driven by "irrational" factors. These include...

S. Glumac - Lourenco: The Importance of Optimal Financial Reporting in Relation to the Work of the Top Management of Legal Entities that Manage a Sustainable Business Full text      

     The importance of a realistic presentation of business results is of great importance for making realistic management decisions, which are the basis of management decisions made in the company's work. A realistic presentation of the achieved business results in the work of numerous companies is achieved by using the fair presentation of financial reports by the company's financial department, that is, the accounting department and audits that monitor the company's work. The essence of business decision-making is related to the disclosure of fair financial reports, which are the basis for work and management decisions made...

V. Jovic: Credit Boom and Crash Viewed Through the Prism of the Financial Crisis in Transition Economies Full text      

     Rapid credit expansion is another common thread that runs through the narratives of events before the financial crisis, which is observed with particular attention in transition economies such as those of the Western Balkan countries on the way to the EU. Increasing leverage and greater risk-taking through rapid credit expansion, consistent with rising asset prices, often precede crises (although usually recognized only with hindsight). It is one of the important factors affecting the operations of numerous companies, which occurs in the approach to shortages...

S. Glumac - Lourenco: Establishing Control Within the framework of Overall Financial Reporting in Companies with a Sustainable Business Method Full text      

     Establishing control within the overall financial reporting framework in numerous companies that are introducing modern forms of business is gaining increasing importance. This applies especially to countries that want to achieve proper development, accelerated and transparent development, especially from the point of view of establishing integrative processes in the context of modern world events. The importance of a realistic presentation of business results can be fully improved and presented in a realistic manner if the application of controls in the operations...

V. Jovic: Financial Crisis of Observation Through the Substantial Impact of Fluctuation of Property Prices and Falls that may Occur in Relation to Credit Formation Full text      

     The sharp movements in property and credit markets during financial crises are quite different from the norm. Asset prices and credit booms and busts differ from the movements seen during a normal business cycle. Booms in the credit and property markets are shorter, stronger and faster than other booms. For example, these episodes often occur over relatively shorter time periods than other episodes and are associated with much faster increases in financial variables. The slope...

S. Glumac - Lourenco: Financial Analysis Based on Establishing Control in the Application of New Software Solutions as the Basis of a Sustainable Management and Business Operations Full text      

     Financial analysis should be based on the establishment of numerous factors, the application of which will improve the work of numerous companies. This is achieved by applying control in the application of new software solutions as the basis of productive business. Establishing control within the framework of the overall financial reporting should serve as the basis of financial analysis and framework in the work of numerous companies. This assumes that they had a real need for the introduction of modern forms of business. Financial analysis should...

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